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Ingrid Boas


IVM / University of Kent

PhD student

Ingrid Boas is a PhD candidate at the University of Kent, United Kingdom, and affiliated with the Department of Environmental Policy Analysis, at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Amsterdam. Her research focuses on the securitization of climate-related migration. In particular she researches the securitisation of climate-related migration in the UK and in India and its relations to climate change politics. The PhD project is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and part of the larger research programme on the securitization of forced migration led by Anne Hammerstad. At the IVM, she worked on the global governance of climate refugees and on theme of global adaptation governance, in collaboration with Prof. Frank Biermann. She is a fellow with the Global Governance Project; the Earth System Governance Project; and sits on the Management Committee for the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) ACTION on climate change and migration.

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