Dr. Duke Ghosh

Jadavpur University
Duke Ghosh, Ph.D. is the WOTRO-NWO Post Doctoral Fellow at the Global Change Programme, Jadavpur University and Researcher at Global Change Research, Kolkata. As a visiting faculty, Dr. Ghosh teaches at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management and has taught at the Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. The research interests of Dr. Ghosh are transitions, economics of sustainable development and small business economics. He has a rich experience of providing research and consulting services to the Government and institutions like ADB, UNIDO, DFID, SIDA, and CII. Dr. Ghosh has completed his Ph. D. research in Economics at Jadavpur University as a SYLFF (The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders’ Fellowship Fund) Fellow and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.