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Prof. Dr. Joyeeta Gupta



Joyeeta Guptais professor of climate change policy and law at the VU University Amsterdam and of water and environmental law and policy at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft. She will be joining the University of Amsterdam as Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South as of 1 January 2013. She is editor-in-chief of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics(IF 1.659) and is on the editorial board of journals like Carbon and Law Review, International Journal on Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Policy, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Catalan Environmental Law Journal, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law and the new International Journal of Water Governance.She was and continues to be lead author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which recently shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore and of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment which won the Zaved Second Prize. She has published extensively. She is on the scientific steering committees of many different international programmes including the Global Water Systems Project and Earth System Governance. Within the Netherlands, she is vice-chair of the Commission on Development Cooperation, member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs, and is on the Board of Supervisors of Oxfam Novib. She has published several books including Gupta, J. (1997). The Climate Change Convention and Developing Countries - From Conflict to Consensus?, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; and Gupta, J. (2001). Our Simmering Planet: What to do About Global Warming, Zed Publishers, London. Recent edited books include Faure, M., J. Gupta and A. Nentjes (eds.) (2003),Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: The Role of Institutions and Instruments to Control Global Change, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham Glos; Van Ierland, E., J. Gupta and M. Kok (eds.) (2003). Issues in International Climate Policy: Theory and Policy, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham Glos; Gupta, J. and M. Grubb (eds.) (2000), Climate Change and European Leadership: A Sustainable Role for Europe, Environment and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; Dellapenna, J. and J. Gupta (eds.) (2009). The Evolution of the Law and Politics of Water, Springer Verlag, Dordrecht; and Gupta, J. and N. van de Grijp (eds.) (2010). Mainstreaming Climate Change in Development Cooperation: Theory, Practice and Implications for the European Union, Cambridge University Press; Gupta, J., N.van der Grijp and O. Kuik (eds.) (2013). Climate Change, Forests and REDD: Lessons for Institutional Design, Routledge, in press. Currently she is writing The History of Global Climate Governance for Cambridge University Press.

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