Marija Isailovic

Marija Isailovic is a PhD researcher at the Department of Environmental Policy Analysis (EPA) at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Amsterdam. Before enrolling as a PhD candidate at IVM, Marija graduated MSc at the interdisciplinary Master program in International Development and Management at Lund University, Sweden, specializing in sustainable development. She is currently working on the research project “Coping with Fragmentation: Assessing and Reforming the current Architecture of Global Environmental Governance”. Based on different methodological treatments, she will develop an integrated analytical framework for measuring the degree of fragmentation of global environmental governance architectures in the issue areas of climate change, biodiversity and ocean governance, examine causes and consequences of varying degrees of fragmentation across different levels and scales of governance, and finally propose some response options. Besides the project, her focus particularly lies within exploring the impact of fragmentation of global environmental governance on different levels of governance as well as its interaction with the bottom up approaches in the context of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, she holds a strong research interest in exploring global ocean governance and emerging governance mechanisms. Finally, she holds a broad experience in conducting research on various sustainability issues in the context of the south and south-east Asia and Small Island Developing States in the Pacific’s ranging from exploring the agricultural transformations in the Mekong Region to the implications of renewable energy policies on rural livelihoods.