Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke
Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, married, two children: More than 35 years of experience as professor for comparative politics, scientific author and senior policy adviser. 1975-76 advisor of the planning staff of the Chancellor’s Office. 1980- Member of the Berlin State Parliament and member the German UNESCO Commission. 1986-2007 Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin. 1999-2008 member and Vice President (2000-2004) of the government Expert Council on the Environment. Expert Reviewer of the IPCC (4th and 5th Assessment Report), member of the International Advisory Board of the Wuppertal Institute and of the Board of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt. 2011 member of the Enquete Commission of the German Federal Parliament on “Growth, Wealth and Quality of Life”. Policy advisor to the Chinese government (2004, 2011-12). Books on State failure, Ecological modernisation and innovation in environmental policy have been translated in several languages. 1998 Prize of the Nature Protection Foundation in Berlin.