Prof. Dr. Philipp Pattberg
Philipp Pattberg is Associate Professor for Transnational Environmental Governance and deputy-department head, department of environmental policy analysis (EPA), at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW). Pattberg is also a senior lecturer at the department of political science and public administration, Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW) and a research leader at the inter-faculty Amsterdam Global Change Institute (AGCI). Philipp has served as the Management Committee Chair of the European COST Action “Transformation of Global Environmental Governance” (2008-2012) and as deputy-director and research coordinator of the international Global Governance Project, a joint research program of leading European universities (2006-2012). Within the Netherlands Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE), Philipp coordinates the research cluster on global environmental governance and politics. Philipp is the Chair of the Board of the Global Environmental Change Section of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) and a senior research fellow of the international Earth System Governance Project (ESGP). Philipp has published more than 120 scholarly articles, book chapters and reports. His work has appeared, among others, in Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Global Environmental Politics, Global Governance, Governance, European Journal of International Relations, Science, and Third World Quarterly. Philipp has been awarded a prestigious research grant from the Netherlands Scientific Organization NWO under the Innovative Research Incentives Scheme in 20120 to study the effects of increased fragmentation in global environmental governance. See