Dr. G. Poyya moli

Pondicherry University
G. Poyya Moli is an associate professor at the Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences at Pondicherry University. He holds a PhD in ecology and specialises in social ecology & sustainability with special emphasis on climate resilient organic farming/Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).
He is planning to submit a collaborative research project proposal on “Evolving climate Governance frameworks at the Local Level for Food Security and Sustainable Societies in selected Coastal Zones” in collaboration with Dr Sundarapandian , my colleague for the network. Coastal agro-ecosystems are suffering from poor governance/ institutional weakness. Incidentally they also will be worst affected by climate change.
The proposed collaborative project will investigate the governance issues related to CSA in selected coastal regions in India and Europe, to cover both adaptation strategies or systemic changes (e.g. diversifying livelihoods against risks or institutional reforms) as well as mitigation strategies (e.g. removal through sequestration in soils/ below and above ground biomass – and through greater efficiency in agricultural production/value addition, leading to fewer emissions / unit of product, besides bio intensive organic farming) for achieving food security and several other MDGs.